Exploring Web3 as Beginner Devs - NFTs, DAOs and dApps

So our community at Permissionless Learning managed to pull of something EPIC. We managed to get 2 founders of large-scale Web3 projects to talk about their journey and give a pathway for beginners.

🔴 Who are they?

Tanseer Saji
👉 Founder of ethreal .space - A Galaxy-scale NFT art project where you can buy planets. (Exploration mode coming soon).

Vamshi Vangapally
👉 Founder of bear .tax - Cryptocurrency taxation software for the world from US.

🔴Why should you care?

✅ Billion dollar crypto projects pop-up every other day
✅ High paying jobs as demand ramps up and supply is squeezed
✅ A chance to leave the bs rat race everyone else is a part of.

Apart from this, I also shared a brief primer to NFTs, after seeing the frontpage ad of TOI.

To learn more about NFTs, check out our post on the same here:

A Brief Introduction to NFTs
Hey all 👋! Web3 is now so large that even newspapers in India are talking about it. This was on India's largest newspapers frontpage today 😁😁 #crypto #NFT#permissionlesslearning - capitalising on modern trends since July 2021 https://t.co/Ayn6WGNA4G pic.twitter.com/2dt0A3xOM0 — Akash 👨…

Join us this Saturday at 10 AM (link in image) to be a part of this crazy awesome event! Link to event.