Donate Money
Week Summary: Built an API + Got 300 views on YT

I built an API to solve a niche on RapidAPI: Allows searching by multiple params like genre, not just name. Already got 5 users. Trying to cater to these users better, while I figure out a problem where free users still require a Credit Card to sign up.

YT video also did, well. About to reach 300 views this week, which Iām really grateful for. I'll be looking at search analytics and figuring out what else I can make videos on.
Meanwhile, things are pretty bad in India, so I've slowed down posting, and focussing more on amplifying people who need voices. I have donated to few charities and also recommend other people to do the same.

Although there has been a lot of focus on donating to charities which provide Oxygen cylinders, there also needs to be a focus on the people without a voice, the underprivileged. Those whose income was based on the economy being open like daily wage labourers or small-scale industry workers are most affected by the lockdown and the pandemic.
The basic pillars of human needs include food, shelter, clean drinking water and clothing. Because of this pandemic, the needful don't have access to the things which require a constant monetory commitment, ie, food and sanitation.
So, we should also ensure donations go to the charities who focus on these.
Some of these are: