About Akash Joshi

नमस्ते (Namaste) 🙏🏼, I am Akash!

Web Expert & Software Generalist

👋 About Me

  • I'm a Software Generalist with a vested interest in Web Development. I enjoy working throughout all the parts of the software stack, having started my journey building video-games, then moving onto working at a startup which was acquired by Walmart, to working for Meta.
  • My philosophy for understanding software is to rebuild things from scratch. Hence, I've worked on a lot of open-source projects, including rebuilding web-servers, AI Tools, and web3 projects from scratch.
  • Along with my business, I work as a Senior Fullstack Engineer at RocketConnect, where I help businesses build solutions using TypeScript, Python and open-source technologies! I also help nurture global communities. Currently, I'm working with Svelte London, London Node.JS, Devtools Pune and more!
  • I started my career with Open Source, and continue to make projects on my GitHub. Some of them are:
    1. RocketRPC - a typesafe framework which destroys client-server barriers.
    2. A reimplementation of React hooks in Typescript, making my own UI library.
    3. An implementation of BlackJack in React, with animations using framer-motion, which I built in ~4 hours.
  • I also tried being an Indie Maker on ProductHunt, creating a few projects which make me ~50 USD a month in passive income.
💡 Still here? Have a look at my articles or portfolio to learn more about how I think ;)

✨ Current Live Projects

Below here is a summary to keep this page concise, find an archive on my GitHub.

  • RocketRPC - a typesafe framework which destroys client-server barriers.

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