Getting a job in frontend with no experience or degree

Getting a job in frontend with no experience or degree

Hey all 👋 I recently made a video on landing your first role in Web Development, and getting RECRUITERS in your DMs 📩

Firstly, Why to care about getting a job in Web Development?

➔ Purely skill based
➔ No prior coding experience or CS degree needed
➔ Roadmap to learn it is clear, and you can target specific companies with your skillset.

How to get a job in Web Development?

➔ Get relevant skills (watch video for roadmap)
➔ Learn a new thing or build a project every weekend
➔ Post on LinkedIn and Twitter (a must) + write a small blogpost on it (good to have)

1 post every weekend = 12 posts after 3 months!
If you do 2 posts a weekend, that's 24 posts after 3 months 🤯

Why should you trust me?

I've done all this, having worked in 3 startups till date, and earning before graduation through paid work/tech writing.

PLUS, I already have haters from people within the rat race (FAANGM + Tier 1), so I know I'm on the right track 😁

So start building your online portfolio and take the first steps to leave the college placement and DSA rat race!