What are the opportunities for SpaceTech in India? - PermissionLess Learning #2

Episode 2 of Permissionless Learning, which was on SPACEEEE 🚀 Technology is now open for your ears' perusal online. To give a summary of what we talked about:

âž” The Virgin Galactic Space flight
âž” The current scenario of space tech globally/in India
âž” Opportunities of Space tech in India
âž” How can one start learning space tech?
âž” How to learn with maximum efficiency?
âž” Unconventional Applications of Space Tech in our Daily Lives
âž” How to beat the speed of light
âž” Using Zero-Gravity for fast cargo transport
âž” What are the 3 Space Tycoons building - Blue Origin, Virgin Galactic, SpaceX?

Check it out on your favorite podcast app here:

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Check out the previous episode on AR/VR and startups here.